Type all the things!

In this post, I'll demonstrate how I type absolutely everything in my Scala programs. I'll demonstrate the benefits, and give techniques to scrap some boilerplate.

Giving explicit types to every elements of the classes

First thing first what do I mean "type absolutely everything" ? Let's take a simple example. Say you've defined the following case class

This looks perfectly reasonable, and pretty similar to the code every Scala developer is writing everyday.

Here's how I would write it:

Okay so I just go through a little extra step and give an type to every fields of my case class. But why would I bother ? Not only am I adding boilerplate on the definition site, but you'd expect it to also make it harder to create new instances of User. Let me explain.

Obvious benefits

To be fair, you probably see a couple of obvious benefits by yourself. You may be thinking they are not worth it. That this is going to require a lot more work from you. I intend to convince you otherwise. The benefits are huge, and the amount of extra work can be tiny. You can even make the compiler work for you, and reduce your work.

Extra safety

Obviously the first benefit is the extra type safety.

For example it's impossible to pass something else than an User.Id to the following function:

It may not feel like much, but it is huge. Here I can only ask you to believe me. Just having a proper type for everything makes my job easier everyday, especially when refactoring. For example, you won't fear to change function parameters anymore. Nothing will break, the compiler guarantees it. This simple thing makes your program significantly more robust, especially as your codebase grows larger.


Let's say you stumble upon the following method:

what is that Long ? Well, you don't know.

What if I change it to this ?

It's suddenly becomes obvious. The best thing is this doc is always up to date! Moreover, types propagate inside your code, which mean everything necessarily have at least a basic doc.

Make the compiler work for you

Manage resources automatically

This one is a pretty simple trick we came to with @mandubian.

When you work with Future in a real application you probably define multiple ExecutionContext. For example you may have an ExecutionContext for DB calls, and a default ExecutionContext for everything non blocking. Sadly, ExecutionContext are tricky to manage. You could easily use the default execution context for some DB calls accidentally.

Just to make things worse, screwing up with ExecutionContext can cause really bad bugs. It's horribly easy to randomly observe thread starvation in production, just by passing a wrong ExecutionContext once. Your application suddenly stops doing anything for a few seconds, users are not happy. When the bug happens, is hard to find its cause and therefore, it is really hard to fix...

Luckily, the solution to this problem is extremely simple. Just give its own a type to each ExecutionContext. Here's a simplified example from an Play app I'm working on:

So let's say you define a method that asynchronously calls your database:

On call site, all you have to to is import all of your ExecutionContext, the compiler will automatically pick up the proper one.

Everything is an HList !

This one is probably my favorite trick. As you may know, shapeless provides automatic conversions from case classes to HList using Generic. If you're familiar with HList, you probably realized that you can do pretty amazing things when all the types of your HList are unique. In that case, you can more of less treat a Hlist as a sorted Map of values indexed by types. If you give proper types to every fields of you case class, you can very much reduce the amount of code you write.

I'll show a couple of example using Anorm. I like the simplicity of this library, but if you use it naively, you'll end up writing quite a lot of boilerplate.

Let's say you define a simple parser our UntypedUser class

As you can see, you have to write an explicit pattern match to extract all the fields of the user class. Obviously it quickly becomes very tedious as the number of classes and fields in classes grows. Moreover, it's very easy to mix the order of fields.

Just for the sake of proving my point, I just did it here. Although the example is trivial, I'm confident you didn't catch the bug.

What you can do is to turn Anorm's' ~ object into an HList using the following functions:

Here's how you use it, in conjunction with Generic:

So we've got rid of some boilerplate, but there's still a risk of mixing fields between firstname and lastname.

Now, what if we use our typed User:

The problem of mixed fields is now fixed, since every field has a type. We can be fairly confident we're not mixing fields anymore. Sadly, we have introduced quite a lot of boilerplate since we have to declare a new anorm.RowParser for each type.

Luckily, shapeless saves us again.

Scrapping boilerplate

Basic Anorm

There's a simple solution, just use shapeless to automatically derive instances of Column for any class extending AnyVal. Here's the relevant code:

And its usage:

And that's it :). Any breaking change in the User class would cause a compilation error in this parser.

Note that it should be possible to derive this entire parser using LabelledGeneric. The implementation is left as an exercise to the reader.

Anorm join

When it comes to JOIN clauses, anorm is particularly tedious. You have to parse the entire row, match it, manually group data together, etc.

Let's say we've defined a new class:

Here's what getting rows from a DB would typically look like:

I think we agree that this is horrible. If you don't type everything, it's also very much error prone.

But again, strong typing and HList can greatly simplify things:

Which is better in every way. Mostly, it's easier because we can select fields by type, using the HList as a type indexed map. This only works because each field has it's own type. Making a mistake while grouping is very unlikely. This code is shorter, simpler and safer.

Another benefit is that you can have customized parsers for some types. For example you may have special logic for extracting Age, that is different than every other Int based AnyVal. In this case, you could simply explicitly define a Column[Age], and derive the other classes.


Hopefully I have convinced you that typing everything is the way to go. If you're not convinced yet, I can only encourage you to try it on a real application. I've applied this philosophy for the last 2 years in every projects, I'll never go back. The benefits are just there, the cost minimal. It's a no brainer.

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